Greetings iFeelPixel user!
We are glad to announce you that a new version of iFeelPixel TactileWare (v.1.3.3) is released online.
If your version is outdated, please update to the most current version. Forgot your license key? Please go to our unlock key reminder you a new user? Please register here: of changes:
- Fully compatible with windows XP, Vista, Seven operating system
- Cursor Behavior added (User can determine the cursor speed) (v.1.3.3) - "Speed and force settings" window updated (v.1.3.3) - Color Detection: User can select between 4 methods of color generation (Intensity, Hue, Saturation, Luminance).
- Advanced Color Selector added
- The following features: Edge detection, Color detector, Tactile Grid, Texture generation and TONAR (windows attraction) have been updated and improved. The new tactile grid can be useful if others features cannot detect any pixel of interest (For example: overlay video).
- "Novint Falcon Settings" window updated (v.1.3.3) You can disable or enable gravity compensation directly from Novint Falcon Options.
This version is fixing some issues between the cursor accuracy and Z-axis. Thus, Tactile sensations have been improved.
- Use Novint Falcon 'Top Button' to:
+ Switch between Attraction, Normal, Repulsion (Primary effects).
+ Disable\Enable Mouse control
+ Switch between Mass, Damper, Spring and Acceleration (Secondary effects)
+ Show Shortcut Menu
- Possibility to disable/enable every axis (every axis can have his own Mass/Force).
- New Automatic Force Feedback Checkbox:
Checked = the Force is automatically generated by the velocity or acceleration (Recommended).
Unchecked = Manual Force.
Selection choices: mass, mass-damper, spring-mass-damper or mass-acceleration.
- Stability and bug fixes (v.1.3.3)
- Memory Usage Reduced (v.1.3.3)
A full list of changes in this version can be found at: Please try this new version and let us know your point of view here: Thanks again for your interest about our haptic technology.
Best regards,
iFeelPixel association